On the road again….

I love to drive at night. I especially like to drive after silence has fallen over the back seat and it’s just me and the road. Driving through the night is something I have done since my children were babies. It’s easier on them and usually easier on me. When we stopped to fuel up for our long trek back to the tip of Texas, out of habit, I grabbed a coke and M&M’s. My thoughts were “You need the caffeine to stay alert.” Not such an unreasonable thought, right? Well, it would be reasonable if it didn’t go against everything I have been learning through my Daniel’s fast. I recognized this moment and prayed for wisdom. I pointed out to God, which I do quite often, that He promises to be all that we need.  In this moment, I needed stamina, alertness, patience and right thinking.

This is where you came in. Yes, you….my readers. I began to think about you and pray for whoever it is that finds themselves on the other side of these words.

First, I thought of the teenage girl who tries to be so tough and act like her weight doesn’t bother her. Inside she is miserable. She yearns to go to the mall with her thin friends and buy clothes from the trendy stores. She wants to go on dates. She wants to feel pretty and accepted. I pray for you sweet girl, that you find your uniqueness in the eyes of your Heavenly Father rather than in the emptiness of your school hallways. He wants to call you friend.  James 2:23

Then I thought about the young girl in her early twenties who sometimes feels disillusioned by how her reality is so different than what she had planned. Her relationships are not what she expected. Her career choices leave her questioning her decisions. What happened to her big plans? You wonder, Is this it? I wanted more, I expected more. That bag of chips will not help your feelings of disappointment. Have patience friend, He has great plans for you. Jer. 29:11

My thoughts then led me to the young mother who is trying to do it all. Regardless of your never ending exhaustion, you continue to jump through hoops. You want to do your best. You want to give your best to your family and so often you just want to feel appreciated. Since no one else seems to bring you a box of chocolates, you reward your efforts with a candy bar at the checkout…or two. That’s not where to find your comfort, dear, trust me on this one!  2Cor. 1:2

My heart holds a special place for you, single mom. Handling your own emotions is hard enough, but caring for and protecting the hearts of those babies can be so challenging. You were never supposed to do it all by yourself. You give and give and by the end of the day, you have nothing left. Exercising sounds like a nice idea, but the couch and cookies will drown out the loneliness…. or so you think.  Look up, sister, do not grow weary. Isaiah  40:31

And for the older woman whose has given up. You think no one cares, so why should you? You think you have earned your rights and paid your dues, so now you can do whatever feels good. Please don’t give up. We need you. You will leave such a void if you go too soon. You have so much wisdom to pass on! Titus 2:4

As the miles rolled on, I began to pray for the men who share in this struggle. This is not an issue with boundaries. You have taken the role as the funny guy….laughing at yourself before anyone else has the chance to. You feel the same pain as your female friends, you just want love and acceptance. You would love to be the life of the party by telling stories of your adventures of rock climbing or snow skiing rather than forcing humor onto a subject that ultimately is no laughing matter. Food is not the answer. 2Cor. 9:8

In a surprising turn, my thoughts moved on to the thin friend. The friend who tries to be supportive and encouraging, but sometimes just gets so frustrated. You try not to be judgmental, but it seems so foreign for someone to use food for anything other than fuel. Please understand, this is not a matter of calories, but a matter of the heart. Thank you for your continued patience. Proverbs 18:24

Before I knew it, the clock on the dashboard read 3:00am. I thought about and prayed for you for nearly six hours. Needless to say, I never opened the M&M’s and I threw out most of the coke. With each praise and worship song, I could see your faces. I may have passed you walking down the mall. My family may have sat next to yours at dinner. Maybe you were the one on the plane that I spoke to briefly. Maybe our kids play on the same team. This struggle has no prejudices…. and our God has no limits!

Philippians 4:19
And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Cindy
    Jun 07, 2010 @ 12:06:17

    Charlene you have a gift and you are so using it. You will impact so many people for God. I truly believe your door has been opened. I love you.


  2. Aimee Torres
    Jun 07, 2010 @ 20:31:40

    Lovin’ your blog, woman! 😉


  3. Teri
    Jun 08, 2010 @ 11:47:27

    So beautiful and caring. Thank you for your prayers!!


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