Who? Me?

For years I have read the scripture in Psalms that says “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” But so often, I seem to cry out to God because I do not feel “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Better yet, the scripture continues …”your works are wonderful.”  Really? Wonderful? When I am in the depths of despair and feel so disgusted with myself for having these food issues….I feel far from wonderful. I feel that even on my best days, I fall way short of wonderful. I wonder if God meant everybody or just a chosen few and  that maybe I have missed the mark?

In those times, in my darkest moments …. somehow….. some way… He comes to my rescue. He reveals just enough of a glimpse of His glory for me to know that ….yeah, He meant me too. “Wonderfully made” does not mean perfect. I guess therein lies the beauty of it all. I am a mess. I am a person with issues. I run to food for my comfort. Yet, He meant me too.

The scripture that I have been pondering recently ….actually the one that led to the idea of this blog… is 2 Corinthians 4:8. “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but NOT DESTROYED! “ (emphasis, my own)

Not destroyed…the very definition of an extant woman. The journey continues….

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